Developing financial performance through enhancing the following secondary systems :
1-Developing financial accounts according to regulations to fulfill company’s needs by:
2-Development of internal control systems
Includes developing applicable methods and ways in the company to protect its assets and verification of the accuracy of accounting data. Enhancing effectiveness to implement operating processes complying with determined policies with purpose of:
Through the following:
3- Development of Warehouses System
Includes preparing an integrated system for company’s warehouses accounts that ensures firm control on the contents, warehouses’ account by system of accounts, limit the stagnant stock saving it against damage as well as preparing stock coding system. The system includes documentary cycle of relating process of selling, inspect and receipt of materials. It will be prepared as follows:
4- Cost System Development
Includes :
5-Development of fixed assets system and under implementation projects
Current assets system evaluation
Developing assets system through :
6-Development system of clients and revenues
Which aims at :
7-Development of reports system
This development aims at providing necessary data to serve planning purposes that help the management to make rational decisions at time, policies making, and administrative decisions which include:
8-Participating in preparation of planning balance of the company
In way that reflects real situations of the company to meet strategic targets, besides that it helps at purposes of controlling and planning.
9-System of connection Development
Which enables the company to regulate its external relations with contractors and suppliers in way that ensures company’s rights.
10- Analyzing company financial performance through
That aims at recognizing company’s financial situation, determining points of deficit trying to overcome them with target of limiting loss and searching for available alternatives to increase company’s revenues.
The organizational restructure is being implemented through developing administrative systems, including
1.Bases of preparing company’s organizational structures
2.Dividing company’s activity into administrative units
There are different methods to divide company’s activity into administrative units based on the following considerations:
3.Organizational structure
The organizational structure consists of the following:
4. Classification and job description
It’s recognized that organization process doesn’t end at preparation of organizational structure but it must be followed by description for each job includes its responsibilities, duties and relating supervision scale , as that description is considered an integrated part for organization process.
Each Description should include the following aspects:
5. Regulations preparation
It’s necessary to have in consideration that the applicable regulations and systems are comprehensive, stable and flexible to be adequate for all updated techniques. These regulations include the following:
In addition of :